Notes from Saint-Etienne, France, 2002

These web pages are observations and fond memories of our family's residence in the little-known and much-misunderstood city of Saint-Etienne in February to July, 2002 . It's an old coal-mining and industrial city of 180,000 thirty-five miles southwest of Lyon. Today, it is unpolluted by either industrial smoke or American tourists. With its inexpensive University program at the Centre International de Langues et Civilisations for foreigners learning French, it's ideal for escaping English and embracing French. If you want to learn French--at any level--while visiting France, I recommend the CILEC (pronounced SEE-LECK) program. Email me if you have questions about my experience there.

Thoughts on the Euro

English on the Grand'Rue

The American Bombardment of May 26, 1944:

Dan Axtell
Please email with comments (English or French):